Let’s put an end to Injustice and people and companies that do not treat us fair

Good Samaritan

recent programs

Our goal this year is to expose merchants and institutions that practice unfair treatment of people. That treat people without respect they deserve.

  1. 1980 - Ramy El-Batraw, starte to feed the homeless and stand for injustice anywhere he saw it. As he achieved success he never forgot his humble beginning of sleeping in the streets at 13. He tirelessly works in exposing and fighting unjust treatment of people of all walks of life.
  2. 2001 - After the events of 911 Ramy was targeted as a terrorist because of his Arab decent, and saw first hand the injustice of a government witch hunt because of his ethnicity. After 7 years of attack, investigation, and harassment he prevailed and was cleared of any wrong doing and received one of only a few letters from the Justice Department, that they where not pursuing the matter any further.
  3. 2006 - Ramy was recognized as humanitarian of the year for his support of homeless people of Los Angeles.
  4. Today- Ramy Finds injustices and exposes institutions and people that treat anyone unfairly.


We are always looking for volunteer  each year that want to make a difference in the lives of thousands. Find out how to become our partner.

Our founder

Founders History

mission & vision

No need is too small and no voice is too quiet to be heard. We will devote the time and energy necessary to educate, advocate and feed.

Fighting for equality and respect for others became a life-long journey. I'm so fortunate to be able to impact the lives of others, all while partnering with some of the most passionate and driven people on the globe.